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Professor Hua Attended ESGE 26th Annual Congress

Professor Hua Attended ESGE 26th Annual Congress


 ESGE 26th Annual Congress was held in Antalya between 18th and 21st 2017. Prof. Dr. Keqin Hua’s minimally invasive surgery team representing Red House Hospital participated in this Congress.

In recent years, “putting people first” becomes the main focus of medical service. For example, in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, healthcare practitioners give increasing emphasis on post-operative life. Gynecologists of our hospital presented their own interpretation of patient-oriented concept and a clinically significant case of female genital malformation, which drown global attention.

There are many types of genital malformation and most gynecologists have been focused on symptom alleviation and solutions to dyspareunia. However, nowadays Professor Hua’s team cast their eyes to patient-centered and tailored treatments with a goal to help them have their own babies.

In 2013, a 27-year-old nulliparous woman with a hemi-uterus, presenting with dysmenorrhea for 13 years, a previous abdominal left ovarian chocolate cystectomy and right tubal ligation was done in the community hospital and failed to relieve severe pain, which was also ineffective to analgesic agents or gestrinone. Professor Hua precisely opened the rudimentary horn and integrated with the unicornuate uterus horn expanding uterus space and successfully rebuilt a normal uterus with the assistance of abdominal ultrasound and laparoscopy. Two years later, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer was done, resulting in twin pregnancy. Cesarean section was performed at 35+3 weeks' gestation. Two healthy neonates were born. Uneventful menstruation was restored 4 months after giving birth. Video of this operation was presented on the congress wining unanimous recognition from all attendees.

 In addition, doctors form our hospital delivered speeches on surgery on deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE); latest research on influence of exosome on epithelial growth of vaginal mucosa and it’s mechanism; ovarian conservation and better survival in young patients with T1N0M0 cervical adenocarcinoma; prognostic analysis of uterine cervical cancer or negative vaginal resection margin. 5 of the 12 submitted abstracts won awards in this Congress. 

The 27th ESGE Annual Congress (Asia-pacific region) will be held in Shanghai between Nov 23, 2018 and Nov 25, 2018, China. We are very pleased that this year, Prof. Dr. Keqin Hua will be invited as the Chair and our hospital will host the conference. An expert Scientific Committee will create a diverse and innovative programme guaranteed to stimulate all minds. Prof Hua calls for engagement of the Chinese obstetricians and gynecologists to share experience and exchange ideas. We are dedicated to creating a rigorous and practical platform for academic exchanges in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.