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Professor Tomas C. Randall: The Use of Robotics for Ovarian Cancer Surgery

With the rapid development of the medical profession, robotic surgery establishes a new technology platform for surgeons so that they could provide patients with more advanced minimally invasive surgery. At the present forum, Professor Thomas C. Randall, the associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of gynecologic oncology department of Pennsylvania Hospital, gave a speech named "The Use of Robotics for Ovarian Cancer Surgery" detailing the application of da Vinci surgery in ovarian cancer. By contrast with the traditional surgery in early and advanced ovarian cancer, minimally invasive surgery for early-stage ovarian cancer patients has advantages of a reduction in bleeding, reduced complications and shortening hospital stay. For some selective advanced ovarian cancer, minimally invasive is also feasible and safe. More esearch still need to explore its impact of patient survival.

 (text/ Wang Xiao, photo/Wang Jue He Yuan from Publicity Division)